Elevate - Treat Place, Newark NJ

Welcome - Artist Mohammed “Moh” Awudu

Reimagine - Street art in Newark, July 29th, 2023

Saturday, July 29th 2023, 12pm, 2 Treat Place, Newark NJ, at the corner of Branford Place.

Newark Welcomed acclaimed Ghanian artist, Mohammed Awudu to officially unveil his latest mural titled Sankofa. Standing over 60 feet high, his largest works to date across 4,000 sqf, this piece celebrates West African Culture, leveraging Adinkra symbols representing unity, hardiness & perseverance

Sankofa originates from the Akan Tribe of Ghana, a Twi word that translates as “go back and get it” - perfectly named after Mr Awudu was invited to perform at AfroBeat Fest, coordinated by Newark First Lady Mrs Linda Baraka and then spent 3 weeks completing the mural.

Treat Place has been Elevated by various mural and art installations commissioned by City of Newark Division of Arts and Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the Four Corners Public Arts and Invest Newark.

Four Corners Public Arts, is a public/private partnership including The City of Newark, Invest Newark, Newark Arts, Newark Downtown District, Paramount Assets and RBH Group.

The mission of the partnership is to Reimagine under-acknowledged areas of Newark through the arts and creating communal artist spaces to be enjoyed by all while Newark undergoes its transformation. Learn more here.

City Of Newark News on the unveiling can be found here.


After Work Wednesday, 8.2.23


Swahili Village 7.29.2023